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kadena KA3 miner sale

What is new Antminer KA3 from Bitmain?

Over the once many times, the cryptocurrency assiduity has been evolving at snappy pace, meeting new highs of computational power matched with adding network achromatism. systems putatively crop weekly, and one design in particular, Kadena – a New York City grounded concoction of two former blockchain division workers of JP Morgan and the SEC – is now set to revise the future of evidence- of- work and has been appertained to as the coming cryptocurrency to be benchmarked against Bitcoin and fill the hashrate void left by Ethereum, which has now successfully transitioned to evidence- of- stake rendering the coin unmineable.

The leading manufacturer of POW ASICs, Bitmain, had organized a launch event for the ANTMINER KA3 in late September, 2022. preliminarily it was only available through colocation contracts with HashFrog, but that offer was snappily supplanted by an advertisement they would release units to the general public in veritably limited amounts at a paltry$,300 USD. Antpool and HashFrogco-hosted a keynote event which the growing confidence in the Kadena ecosystem and unborn prospects for its mining profitability. The race to acquire these machines was on.

The ANTMINER KA3’s specifications were participated, offering a remarkable 166T hash rate performance, marking a significant upgrade over the affair available from the nearest similar. Goldshell’s top- league KD MAX only offers40.2 T, and is priced mainly advanced. The new ASIC release impressively brings effectiveness to a new assiduity standard also of 19 J/ T as far as the Blake2S algorithm is concerned.

The KA3 incorporates the design from BITMAIN’s kindly growing 19 Series flagship range that offers advanced air- cooling heat dispersion and software operation. It utilizes the groundbreaking 5nm chips used presently in the S19 Hydro and S19 XP lineup, a major step over versus the Goldshell model immolation.

Estimated Mining profit of the ANTMINER KA3 as of publishing.

Power Consumption Hashrate Efficiency Electricity Net Profit
3150W 166 Th/s 0.029 J/Gh -271 € 2115 €
Antminer KA3 Kadena miner profitability

Why experience rapid price changes up and down?

Pre-orders for the KA3 from resellers were strategically priced starting around$,300 USD when Bitmain made their advertisement of$,300 for public trade. Taking into account$67.56 of profit per day it would mean that the return on investment would only take 148 days, which puts it at the top of the scale. In a nutshell, the KA3 is presently the most profitable ASIC miner on the request by a wide periphery.

It has come to our attention, but not as a surprise, from guests who have approached us who hadpre-ordered the KA3 from resellers who did NOT secure any units in advance from Bitmain, misestimated the expectation of the KA3 product volume and demand, and eventually had no intention to recognize their client’s orders. By not securing stock from Bitmain using their own finances, but the finances of others, numerous executed immediate refunds to their guests to vendpre-orders at double the price to the coming loftiest endeavor, and values of the model have been climbing since October 1st. Goldshell didn’t blench on this manipulation either – the prices of their KDA miners haven’t dropped, and in fact, increased during this time slightly.

Prices doubled the day the trade of the KA3 vended out within 40 seconds on 10 am, October 1st 2022. unconscionable resellers also didn’t plan for any abrupt increases in Kadena yet to be realized, which will beget resellers to return and cancelpre-orders indeed at the doubled and tripled values, egging them again to release units at a advanced price to a different client, repeating the cycle of rapacity. analogous “ interest-free loan ” schemes took place during the launch of the Antminer L7 and with the Antminer E9 to a certain degree, with the ultimate not being verified by Bitmain yetpre-orders were being collected at least 1 time in advance from unknowing guests.

We want to make it clear Mine ASIC and Kentino and PcPraha doesn’t support this dishonest and unethical conduct on the part of our challengers. Our price is reflective of the volume and value we’ve secured in advance with Bitmain long before this price manipulation passed and ruse of an extremely limited, unattainable online-only trade by Bitmain was conducted – maybe to shoot a communication to rival manufacturers similar as Goldshell and IBeLink. We’re devoted to locking in your order at FAIR request value grounded on demand and comparison with top- league Goldshell KDA ASICs — which haven’t lost value as a result of these confusing KA3 preorder conditioning. For increased security and peace of mind, legal purchase agreements are to be inked stating all terms, and we accept credit card payments. In addition, we give a 1- time extended bond on your KA3, rather of just 6 months. Incipiently, we absorb all import duties so you do n’t have to, rather of being on the hook for27.3 of the total if bought away( including Bitmain) on full declared value.

So good luck and let it fly to the Moon.

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